Medical Malpractice Defense
Craig & Craig, LLC has a long tradition of defending physicians, nurses and hospitals and their administrative support persons in Illinois from a wide variety of liability claims, including medical malpractice claims, informed consent matters and federal claims under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).
Gregory C. Ray has represented physicians in professional negligence matters for a number of years. In 2007, he secured a defense verdict for an ophthalmologist who was sued in connection with a complication involved retained nucleus in an eye upon which cataract surgery had been performed.
Paul R. Lynch began representing doctors in cases claiming medical malpractice in the early 1980’s. Mr. Lynch has defended physicians in approximately three dozen jury trials in Southern and Central Illinois, most recently in December, 2009, when he obtained a jury verdict of “no liability” for an anesthesiologist in the Circuit Court at Marion, Illinois.
John F. Watson has continued in the tradition of representing physicians and hospitals at Craig & Craig. In September of 2003, Mr. Watson tried his first solo medical malpractice case defending Paris Community Hospital in the Circuit Court of Edgar County, Illinois. Mr. Watson has also tried a substantial number of cases as co-counsel with other attorneys in the office and continues to be actively engaged in defending local physicians, nurses and hospitals in Central Illinois.
R. Sean Hocking has represented a variety of healthcare professionals against claims of healing art and medical malpractice and medical battery. Mr. Hocking has successfully defended an appeal of a malpractice claim filed against a nursing home on appeal after receiving a zero verdict at the trial.
Julie A. Webb has represented physicians throughout Southern Illinois in cases alleging medical malpractice.